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Greenvolt successfully completed the placement of a bond loan aimed at retail investors. The issuance of Greenvolt 2029 Green Bonds registered strong demand, surpassing the bonds available for subscription, amounting to 112% of the total bonds on offer after the upward revision of the amount to be issued.

Initially, 150,000 Greenvolt 2029 Green Bonds were made available, with a subscription price of €500 each, with a minimum investment of €2,500. During the term, in light of the registered demand, Greenvolt revised upwards the amount to be obtained with this financing operation from €75 to €100 million.

During the term of the offer, which ran from 29 January until 9 February 2024, there was an aggregate demand of €111,50 million, 12% above the revised objective of obtaining €100 million with this operation.

In what was the second issue on the primary market aimed at small savers, Greenvolt had the support of a large number of investors, attracted by a gross annual interest rate of 4.65%. The total number of subscribers to the Greenvolt 2029 Green Bonds amounted to 2,914.