We want you to STOP.
Yes, STOP. It’s time to give back to society.

At Greenvolt, we believe that meaningful change can generates positive impact and mitigate all the negative one. STOP is our social and sustainability programme.

Driven by renewable energies we will be able to aim for sustainability, innovation, justice and energy independence together.


STOP program inspires you to:

  • Rethink your impact in the fight against the climate crisis, preserving and protecting the biodiversity and ecosystems, but also for the human rights and social inclusion.
  • Rethink on the social and environmental initiatives that promote the carbon neutralization and the energy efficiency.
  • Rethink the impact that your energy can have on a more balanced and sustainable world.

Greenvolt wants to come closer to the communities. We will…

Share inclusive energy

Strategic Objective

To lead the energy transition in Portugal, contributing to the fight against energy poverty at national level.

2030 Goals

STOP to Share Inclusive Energy by supporting 250,000 vulnerable people with clean and cheaper energy

STOP to Share Inclusive Energy by supporting at least 1 social/environmental institution per year

Talk to the future generations

Strategic Objective

To increase energy and environmental literacy and provide knowledge to the new generations, that will contribute to combat climate change and protect the planet.

2030 Goals

STOP to Talk To The Future by involving 1,500 children and young people, in enabling and raising awareness initiatives about renewable energy and the climate crisis.

Offer equal opportunities

Strategic Objective

To address the social inequalities issues, by involving everyone.

2030 Goals

STOP to Offer Equal Opportunities by:
Allocating at least 100 merit scholarships to needy children and young people, promoting closer ties with communities.

Creating partnerships with educational institutions that promote the attraction of female talent for programs aligned with Renewable Energies and derivatives

Offer your time

2030 Goals

STOP to Offer Your Time by:
Developing at least 2 volunteer initiatives per year

Implementing at least 2 social inclusion actions to support people with some type of disability

Protect the environment

Strategic Objective

To be a reference in the fight against the climate crisis and to develop actions with a positive impact on biodiversity and ecosystems.

2030 Goals

STOP to Protect the Environment by collaborating annually in projects for the management, conservation and preservation of biodiversity and ecosystems, which can positively contribute to adaptation of the climate change and mitigate its impacts, involving local communities and/or other stakeholders.

Are you ready to