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The Greenvolt Group completed the connection of the Tábua Solar Power Station to the Portuguese electricity grid. This is Greenvolt’s first Utility-Scale solar project in Portugal, representing an investment of around 40 million euros.

The Tábua Solar Power Station, made up of around 90,000 solar panels, occupies an area of approximately 90 hectares. It has an installed capacity of 48 MWp, which allows it to generate up to 60 GWh of renewable energy annually, obtained from solar irradiation.

The green energy generated by the polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic solar panels is being injected into the national electricity grid through a distribution line at a voltage of 60 kV connected to the Tábua substation, which can supply around 60,000 families.

“With the start-up of the Tábua Solar Power Plant, we are taking all the benefits of renewable energies to families and companies, but we are also making our contribution to the country’s decarbonization effort”, says João Manso Neto, CEO of the Greenvolt Group. These 60 GWh will avoid the emission of approximately 13,200 tons of CO2/year.

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